Sitting Arrangement with Blood Relation Puzzle for Bank PO Exams
Quiz on Puzzles for Bank PO Exam
Directions (1-7): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
8 family members X, Y, Z, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. O, the wife of M is sitting third to right of Z. X is the son of Q. X is sitting second to left of M. M is not an immediate neighbour of either O or Z. No male is an immediate neighbour of M. P sits second to left of M’s son. Only two persons sit between Q and X’ s brother. Neither Z nor M is the brother of X. M’s son and the wife of M’s son are immediate neighbours of each other. O is the mother of Q. O is not an immediate neighbour of Y and P. P is the sister of N.
Reasoning Quiz for Bank PO
1. Who amongst the following is not an immediate neighbour of P?
- P's Maternal Aunt
- M
- P's Grandfather
- Z
- None of these
Reasoning Quiz for Bank PO
Reasoning Quiz for Bank PO
3.How many people sit between X and his brother when counted from X in clockwise direction?
- None
- One
- Two
- Four
- Three
Reasoning Quiz for Bank PO
4.Who is related to Q in the same way as Q is related to M?
- N
- Z
- P
- X
- None of these
Reasoning Quiz for Bank PO
Reasoning Quiz for Bank PO
6.Based on the given arrangement, how is X related to M?
- Daughter
- Son
- Grandson
- Son-in-Law
- None of these
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