IT Quiz for IBPS IT Officer Exam - Set 5
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- In a compiler, grouping of characters into token is done by:
(A) scanner
(B) parser
(C) code generator
(D) code optimizer
(E) None of these
- Project join normal form is also referred to as
(A) Second Normal Form
(B) Third Normal Form
(C) Fourth Normal Form
(D) Fifth Normal Form
(E) None
- In SQL, sequence -
(A) Automatically generates unique numbers
(B) Is a sharable object
(C) Is typically used to create a primary key value
(D) All of the Above
(E) None of these
- Portal is
(A) Website providing web categories
(B) Website that provides numerous free services that enhances web experience
(C) Website to search some keywords
(D) All of the above
(E) None of the above
- End to End connection is the functionality of which layer
(A) Physical Layer
(B) Data Link Layer
(C) Network Layer
(D) Transport Layer
(E) None of these
- An Operator precedence parser is a
(A) Bottomup parser
(B) Topdown Parser
(C) Backtracking parser
(D) All of the above
(E) None
- Top to Down traversing of tree is
(A) Preorder
(B) Inorder
(C) Postorder
(D) All of the above
(E) None
- Which of the following page replacement algorithm suffers from Belady anomaly?
(A) Optimal Replacement
(D) Both (A) and (C)
(E) None of these
- Voice mail ______________
(A) is the exchange of text messages and computer files transmitted via a communication network suh as a local area network or the Internet
(B) Permits users to converse in real time with each other via the computer while onnected to the Internet
(C) Functions much like an answering machine, allowing callersto leave a voice message for the called party.
(D) Involves using video and computer technology to conduct a meeting between participants at geographically separate locations.
(E) None
- RSA is____________
(A) Symmetric Cryptosystem
(B) Asymmetric Cryptosystem
(C) Block Cypher
(D) Digital Signature
(E) None
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